Sarcastro...Borge says: i helped liptai sell his wheat bags and lip gloss today James says: really? James says: make much profit? Sarcastro...Borge says: i sold a lip gloss, i had an awesome sales pitch Sarcastro...Borge says: i took the bag of lip glosses over to this group of year 9s, and i went to this guy sitting on the end of the table and said Sarcastro...Borge says: YOU there, BOY, you look like you dont have a girlfriend, is this correct? Sarcastro...Borge says: then he made a noise Sarcastro...Borge says: and i said Sarcastro...Borge says: Well you know what girls love!? LIP GLOSS Sarcastro...Borge says: and then i pointed at one of the girls and said Sarcastro...Borge says: YOU, what do you LOVE!? Sarcastro...Borge says: and she kinda mumbled, err...lip gloss? Sarcastro...Borge says: THATS RIGHT Sarcastro...Borge says: and i gave him one of the lip glosses and then turned to the girl again Sarcastro...Borge says: now WHO do you LOVE!? Sarcastro...Borge says: and by then she was into the joke and she yelled out DANIEL (or whatever the guys name was, i just made daniel up) Sarcastro...Borge says: the guy never said anything to me, or bought the lip gloss but that girl bought one in the end